Parent Coaching


  • ADHD & Autism

  • Gender Identity

  • Supporting LGBTQ+ kids

  • Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)

  • School Issues

  • IEPs / 504 plans / Special Education

  • Gifted/Twice Exceptional (2E)

  • LGBTQ+ Parents

  • Neurodivergent Parents

Parenting is the most difficult job there is - and the most important. Have you tried everything you’re “supposed” to do but it just doesn’t work?

Or maybe your family, friends, or other professionals are telling you how to handle a problem, but it doesn’t align with what’s important to you as a parent and what you know about your unique child.

The families I help often don’t fit the mold. Here are a few areas I can help:

Gender Identity & LGBTQ+ Concerns

If your child has come out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or a similar identity, you might be wondering how to support them. You might feel overwhelmed by the new terminology they’ve introduced, and maybe you’re concerned about how their peers are influencing them.

Your child might have told you they’re transgender or nonbinary, and they might be wanting to change their names, pronouns, how they dress, or even be considering hormones or surgery. You want them to be happy, but when you try to bring up your questions or concerns, it just leads to fighting, tears, and your child shutting down.

ADHD, Autism, and Neurodivergence

Has your child recently been diagnosed with ADHD, autism, a learning disability, or another neurological difference? Or maybe you suspect your child might have one of these conditions.

You know your child has strengths and talents, but they’re being overshadowed by behavior challenges, school issues, and frequent meltdowns. You need help to create an environment where they can thrive, instead of trying to force them to conform.

School Issues

Does it seem like the kid you see at home and the one their teachers see at school are two different people? Perhaps you’ve started dreading the emails and phone calls from school about the latest trip to the principal’s office.

On the other hand, maybe your child is so overwhelmed by school that they’re refusing to go at all. You know they’re capable, but school assignments and failing grades keep piling up. You’ve tried working with the school, but you find that they’re just as baffled or they’re making things worse.

Your child might already have an IEP (individualized education program) or 504 plan, or maybe you’ve heard of those things but aren’t sure how to get your child the support they need.

How Parent Coaching Can Help

I provide coaching to parents of children ages 3 & up. Coaching can be short term (as few as 4 sessions) or longer term weekly, biweekly, or monthly meetings. We’ll talk about the challenges facing your child/teen & family and collaborate to find solutions that meet your needs.

Coaching can look like…

  • Education sessions to help you understand your child’s development and unique needs & strengths

  • Planning sessions where we explore options for addressing current challenges and make a plan for next steps

  • Space to process emotions and ask difficult questions related to your family’s situation

  • Accountability & check ins to help you and your child make progress on goals

In contrast to therapy, coaching is action-oriented. During our first session, we will establish measurable goals, and I will support you with taking tangible steps between sessions to move forward. I can also help you with the logistical stuff, like finding community resources, referrals to other providers, and preparing for/attending school meetings.

Contact me to get started!